I'm testing out a new parenting technique....compliments of my big sister--the teacher...she's reading this book...she won't shut-up about it...sounds like smart advice to me...so I thought I'd try it out on my diva....here's the technique...
Instead of telling a child to do something ("Go brush your teeth") or asking them using the words "can" or "could" ("Could you take your plate to the sink for me?"), this book suggests saying "will" or "would" ("Will you go clean up your room?")--I'm not so sure of all the details (remember my sister is the one reading this book, then telling me what she thinks might work for me) but something about empowerment of the child, belief that this child is capable of the task before them, blah blah blah...sounds simple right?? Piece of cake, huh???...hahahahahahaha...the author of this book has OBVIOUSLY never met my Grace. My sis said it has (and I quote) "worked like a charm" with her children (my niece and nephew, ages 6 and 8--who I am beginning to think just might be little angels in disguise...with their mop of white blond hair and all)
Here is what happened when I tried the above "technique" on Grace:
Me: "Grace, would you get your toys cleaned up before we go outside to play?"
Grace: "Ummmm...no thanks...I'll do it later"
"NO THANKS"???? "NO"...."THANKS"....????? Well at least in her defiance she is polite...
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
I have a friend with twins...3 1/2 year old twins...their momma, Anna, has a certain level of patience that blows my mind. These children are some of the funniest people I know (I say "people" because they rank up there with some of the funniest adults I know...) They are seriously a trip. If you are having a bad day, call E&I and your day will suddenly get MUCH to busy to focus on your own troubles. This summer Anna and I are doing a "test" run of co-op babysitting. She watches my monsters for two hours on any given day of the week, and I in turn watch the twins for a couple of hours on another day of the week. This week was the first week...hallelujah! With Danny being out of town, two hours of alone time seems like an eternity! I enjoyed my day...I went shopping, got a coffee (and drank it while it was still hot), listened to "big girl" music in the car...it was enough time to renew my spirit and run some errands without having two little ones in tow. Then came Thursday...my day to watch E&I...they came over early in their p.j.'s. W e had waffles, the girls fought over jewelry and dress up clothes, the boys ate another helping of waffles...and then I realized just how small my house was becoming, so I dressed E&I, put some shoes on the baby, and marched them all outside. It was fairly early--8:30 or so--but our across the street neighbors were up too. Their air conditioner had gone out the week before and the air conditioner company was already there, working away, installing a new unit.
A HUGE AC unit...big...large...and if you think like me, you reason that somewhere? there is the box that housed this huge cooling machine. A box PERFECT to entertain 3 preschoolers for a significant amount of time. So, after chatting with the heating and cooling guys, I became the proud owner of a ginormous box which quickly became a playhouse. After cutting a door and a few window in varying shapes and sizes, I handed the kids a box of markers (careful to instruct that "we ONLY color on the box, not on each other") and a masterpiece was made.
Coloring ON the box and NOT on her body...what a good girl!
And then they figured out how to climp ON TOP of the box...good thing it was sturdy...
Hmmmm...didn't I say "don't write on each other"? I guess I didn't say "Don't write on the BABY"...Always remember, when dealing with preschoolers...be VERY specific....
*Thanks air conditioning guys...for the fleeting moments of sanity your box provided...you truly are "Higglytown heros"
*Thanks air conditioning guys...for the fleeting moments of sanity your box provided...you truly are "Higglytown heros"
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