Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kindergarten girl

Yesterday was Grace's first day of Kindergarten. I know, I can't believe it either. We both did great. No, really...we did. She walked right in...ready for the day. I am continually amazed at this kid. I got a bit weepy as I turned to leave...got a bit weepy as I walked back through the halls and out the door. But I found a friend (Tracy, if you're reading this, you'll never know how much it meant to simply walk with you yesterday morning) and then Sam and I went for a run. And so it begins...

Thursday, August 12, 2010


has kept us very...very...very busy. Good busy. Fun busy. But crazy busy all the same. I just realized I haven't blogged since the first part of July. We didn't fall off the face of the earth...
Here's the "Cliff Note" summary of July/early part of August (sorry no pics, this is a quickie):
--Earl went to London for 2 weeks.
--We went on a mini vacation to Omaha. Rocking zoo. Absolutely amazing. No words (or even pictures, although I do plan to post pics of our trip) do it justice.
--Earl went to San Antonio for a week for training.
--The kids and I attended Vacation Bible School. GREAT fun! Over 350 kids attended. As I type, Sam is rocking out in his sister's room to the soundtrack from the VBS. Love it.
--Grace and I went to Girl Scout Daycamp. "Sisterhood of the Traveling Sash"...I've been waiting for this day! When we found out Grace was a girl, I began dreaming of teaching all about scouting. Don't know if y'all know it or not, but I'm a HARDcore Girl Scout. Have my Girl Scout Gold (equivalent to the Boy Scout Eagle) and am a Lifetime member of Girl Scouting. In 1996, I went to Europe for 6 weeks with the Girl Scouts. I have sold more boxes of cookies than I care to count.
--Our dear friends, Connor and Glenda came to visit. Grace and Connor have known each other all their lives. Their bond is strong (as is MY bond with Glenda). They say they are going to get married when they grow up. It was a wonderful visit. Thanks for making the drive Glenda!
--We just returned from a 4 day visit to my sister's house in Arkansas. We haven't seen each other since CHRISTMAS. THAT is criminal! I was itching to visit her, so we hopped in the car and drove 8+ hours south. Had a great visit. Totally worth the drive.
--Sam is learning to use the potty. (Thanks to cousin Isaac for peaking Sam's interest in the ways of "big boys"!)
--Grace is starting Kindergarten on the 16th.
--Danny leaves for a week of training next week.
--I am working on my resume. Thinking of finding a part-time job. Nothing big. Or even exciting. Just need to stimulate my brain. Keep my chops up.

So there it is: Crazy (with a capital "C")...I'll get some pics up soon...