Saturday, January 24, 2009

Man's best friend?

When Grace was about the same age as Sam (10 months) she was talking...oh come ON, don't look surprised...that child NEVER shuts up--even now. "Mama" "Dada" Dog" "Cat" "Bye-bye"...seriously, the list could go on and on and on...she was gibbering and jabbering, trying to talk in full sentences well before she hit her first birthday. It seems her tiny existence found the up most importance in the English language, so much so that she didn't crawl until 8-9 months of age and even put off walking until she was 15 months old. The girl had a mission....mastering the art of talking. Fast forward to baby brother...movement is crucial! He sat up at about 5 months...starting scooting shortly thereafter and now at 10 months old is a VERY speeder crawler and is pulling to stand and even attempting steps with help. We think this is great...the house is baby proofed...the gate is secured at the top of the stairs...the door to the bathroom stays closed for fear that he may unroll an ENTIRE roll of toilet paper...but...we are worried that he is not showing any interest in talking. Sure, he squeals and laughs and grunts and makes noises only he and his chattering big sister understand, he can even throw a ball quite accurately, but he doesn't "mama" or "dada"...nothing...Soooooo, I started baby sign with him. He likes it and seems to be starting to understand what each individual sign means. He smiles at me like "Yeah...that's exactly what I wanted...HOW did you know?" We do the sign for "eat" and "more" and "milk" and "all finished" (which I think he signed to me last night after dinner) ANYWAY...did I mention that he throws a ball?? Yeah, I did...the kid can throw a ball...far...and Harry, our 7 year old idiot dog, thinks this is GREAT! He and Sam have developed quite a relationship and Harry is pleased as punch to have attention to him. Even if it is a non-verbal 10 month old. Sam has also started to FEED Harry...directly from the highchair...throwing food off the highchair INTO Harry's open mouth...Sam squeals with laughter and Harry gobbles it up and asks for more. A boy and his dog...pretty cute...and it seems that Harry has coaxed our baby boy into one more milestone...yes, that's it folks...Sam's first word?? "Harry"....

Friday, January 16, 2009

Please don't say....

that this world doesn't see miracles anymore. If you have watched even FIVE minutes of the news footage about the plane that went down yesterday INTO the Hudson River, you have witnessed a modern day miracle directly from the hands of God. Now, I don't pretend to know the heart of God....sheesh, that is a mystery I'd like to remain a mystery. He is much too big and amazing for me to try to wrap my human brain around....but He is working in this world. He is not absent, He has not forgotten, He is not some far-off being simply observing us like my 8 year old niece observes her hampster. NO...Our God is HERE...right in the midst of us. On our planes, in our homes, in our cars...beside us, CRAVING a relationship with us. Oh sweet Lord thank you for all that You do and are in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Open my eyes that I may see...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I noticed I haven't blogged in 2009...what a sad state of affairs I am turning out to be. Danny is in D.C., the children are asleep (I think...), my world is quiet...for now.