Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Superheros, Pirates, Paw-paw, and neighbor kids.

Halloween.  Great holiday. 
Grace was Violet from "The Incredibles."  Her second year as a superhero and not a princess.  I love that kid.  Sam was a pirate.  Begrudgingly...but a pirate all the same.  Once he figured out the equation of costume + bucket + big smile = CANDY, he decided the costume wasn't so bad after all.
Paw-paw flew in to help us celebrate.  He said the visit had everything to do with the kids and absolutely nothing to do with the candy...

If you've ever seen "The Incredibles" you will remember that Violet has long black hair.  When I first saw Grace in this wig, I didn't recognize her.  Seriously, I had to ask another kindergarten mom where exactly my daughter was in the class line-up.  Nothing says "involved and attentive mother" like not recognizing your own daughter...

 Apparently pirates like to ride in wagons and eat candy.  Who knew?

Earl.  Official wagon puller.  Isn't he cute?!

All the neighborhood kids.  Okay, well not all of them.  But most of them.  Two things to point out:
Notice the little girl standing to the left of Grace...that's Dakota.  She's 4.  She wanted to be Medusa for Halloween.  I sewed over a dozen plastic snakes to a Barbie wig for her costume.  They don't make Medusa wigs for 4 year olds....only Barbie and princess wigs.  That's a shame.
And the sad little Buzz Lightyear in the foreground?  That's Ayden.  He's one of my most favorite children.  And I don't really like children.  He was a bit overwhelmed with all the costumes and candy and cameras...

This last picture isn't a Halloween picture.  Just a sweet picture I took the weekend Paw-paw was here.  These two are cut from the same cloth.  And Sam is content to just snuggle up to his Paw-paw and watch the world go by....
It was a good weekend that resulted in a boatload of candy.  I sent most of it to work with Earl...of course that was after I sorted out all the "good" chocolate and hid it.  If you are really really really nice to me, I might tell you where...but probably not.
Somewhere...somehow...at some point...I have gotten off track
I tried to get back on track a few months ago...
but apparently "catch up" isn't my thing...
procrastination is my thing....
I have discovered that I work well under pressure...
so I'm gonna apply a bit of pressure here...
I am going to blog every single stinkin' day until 2011...
I'm gonna do it...
2010 has been a less than stellar year.  In all honesty, it goes down as one of the toughest years in all of my 31 years.  I'm ready for it to be over.  But I'm bummed that I didn't "document" 2010 as well as I could.  So I'm making up for lost time...