Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Somewhere...somehow...at some point...I have gotten off track
I tried to get back on track a few months ago...
but apparently "catch up" isn't my thing...
procrastination is my thing....
I have discovered that I work well under pressure...
so I'm gonna apply a bit of pressure here...
I am going to blog every single stinkin' day until 2011...
I'm gonna do it...
2010 has been a less than stellar year.  In all honesty, it goes down as one of the toughest years in all of my 31 years.  I'm ready for it to be over.  But I'm bummed that I didn't "document" 2010 as well as I could.  So I'm making up for lost time...

1 comment:

Toni said...

You INspire me! I think I shall try to blog every day, too...at least for the next few days! I actually DO blog every day, except that I don't exactly Write it DOWN....You are a Wonderful writer, Tootie....Thank you for being so willing to share your gift. xoxoo