Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A post in which I show you lots of pictures but have nothing to "close the deal" and just stop blogging at the end without really wrapping it up.

Ready?  OK!
Phew...did you know I'm currently sitting in the house writing this post while a blizzard swirls outside?  No really...it is.  A blizzard.  In the course of ten minutes, the weather man said things like "blizzard, low visibility, blowing snow, snow drifts, Arctic air, and the city is shut down"...you know, just the normal winter broadcast.  "Locals" here say that this kind of weather is not "normal"...well, "locals" I've lived here through 4 winters and I hate to break it to ya but folks...this. is. normal.  Go git yer snow shovel and try not to have a heart attack while you remove inches and inches of snow from your driveway.
But I digress...
Let me share Christmas 2010 with you.  Beginning with a trip to the new American Girl store. 
 Grace and Bailey Rose (my 10 year old niece) were beyond excited to visit the new store and get their American girls ears pierced (I think there's supposed to be an apostrophe in there somewhere...maybe with "girls" or maybe "ears"...I'm at a loss...whatever)
This place is a  mecca for little girls and their obsession with dolls.  It is also very fun to visit as an adult...and breathe in the "new doll" smell and remember what it was like to be little.  GrandTone started all this...she's a grown woman with a deep love for dolls.  And so, when Bailey Rose was old enough to cradle a baby doll, GrandTone bought her a Bitty Baby.  She did the same for Grace.  Then as the girls grew, she bought each one an American Girl doll of her choice.  Then?  Well then she made doll clothes for them.  You can read about the clothes she makes here and here, at her blog.  They are exquisite and totally unique. There is another post to come about her Christmas gift to Grace this year...she made a TRUNK full of doll clothes for Grace's doll Julie...a zebra-striped trunk full to be exact.
Grace chose Julie when her time came to chose a doll.  So when we entered the store, Grace was immediately drawn to the "Julie doll" display.  (Each doll represents a time period.  Julie for example, is from the 1970's.  Explains the long hippie hair and 1970's genre clothing)
Then it was time to take the dolls to get their ears pierced.  Grace was a little nervous for Julie.  But the employees at the store make a big deal out of the ear piercing. They treat the dolls like they are real...
See?  This employee was so sweet.  It was obvious that she loved her job and wanted to make the experience memorable.  She took the dolls into the back room and brought them back a few moments later with pierced ears. 
We were told there was minimal crying. 
(on a side note:  Earl came home from work about a week after we had Julie's ears pierced and said "Do you know how they do that?  How they pierce those dolls ears?"  I said "No Earl...I don't.  How do they do it?"  "They pop off their heads.  And put on a new head.  A head with pierced ears."  I told him I thought that was a load of bull and that I didn't believe it for one second.  Plus...Julie's hair didn't look any better when she came out....it didn't look like a new head.  It looked just as ratted and "loved" as it did before the piercing...Earl said his source was a guy he works with.  I think I said something about guys not knowing anything about dolls, but I can't say for sure...)
We were at the store for a while.  Partly because there was so much to see and partly because GrandTone told the girls they could pick out something for their dolls and she would buy it for them.  There was shopping to be done. 
I needed a bathroom break.
Look what I found in the bathroom.
 A doll holder.  No. joke.  These people...they think of everything.
 Grace shopped 'till she was about to drop. 
 Doesn't she look very metropolitan?
 Grace and Bailey Rose and all those bags.
There was a Panera Bread across from the American Girl store and we are not the type to turn down coffee and bagels.  Or any sort of food really. 
 My sweet Grace.  How did she get so big so fast?
 My big sister and her daughter (my niece) Bailey Rose.
Then we gave Grace the camera and asked her to take a picture of us.
 Life, as seen by a 5 year old.
Then she whirled around and snapped a picture of Bailey Rose.
 Interesting to see her perspective.  You forget that her view is a bit shorter...
In an attempt to get more of our heads in the picture, we then gave the camera to Bailey Rose....
There, that's better. :)
Then it was out into the mall to find a "Justice" store.
I just love this picture below.  These girls think their GrandTone can do absolutely anything.  They think she's magic.  And they love her passionately.
 While we were in "Justice", GrandTone and Grace found the "Mall Jump"!  They both came rushing into the store, asking if it was "okay to go jump?!?!?!?!"...I was shocked at first. The "Mall Jump" is a bungee cord, trampoline sort of apparatus.  It looks kinda scary.  And Grace is not very adventurous...this was totally out of her character.  But I am totally open to trying something once...or at least until you break a bone.  So I said "sure...why not?"
Grace was SO excited...look at her!  Up on her tip-toes...she could hardly contain herself.
Here she is...waiting her turn.  A ball of nerves and excitement. 
Bailey Rose decided to join in the fun too.  Here she is waiting to be hooked up to the harness. 
And then you they hook you up and you jump into oblivion for 7 minutes.  Which doesn't sound like a long time...but it is...trust me.  I know this because I may or may not have asked to go next.  And I may or may not have actually done a flip. No, you may not see the video.  But 7 minutes strapped into that harness can feel like an eternity...
So this is the part of the post I warned you about in my title....where I just stop blogging.   No closer.  Nothing.  Just "The end"...off to put on more layers in a desperate and futile attempt to get warm. 

1 comment:

Toni said...

Well...Uh....GREAT post! But I WISH you'd included the fact that I went jumping, too!!! Hahahaha! They had to Reeeeeallly adjust the tension on the ropes for that! What fun. Wanna go again! Merry Christmas. You can see Julie's doll clothes here: tonibailey.blogspot.com