Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The hard way

We moved.
Not like an "across town" move.
No. A cross country move.  From the comfortable midwest to the uncomfortable northeast.
With two children, two cats, a dog, and a hamster.
We don't do things the "easy way"
I remember my Daddy telling my older sister in his calm tenor voice "Emily, there are two ways to do things...The "easy way" and the "hard way"...and this time Emily, you have chosen the "hard way" 
But I think maybe that is just the "way" of mostly everything in life. 
The "hard way"
Change is never easy.
This move was no exception.
And this next thing I'm gonna say is so silly.  So human.  
I am continually amazed how God shows up through it all and weaves this beautiful tapestry out of my messy messy life.
Throughout the entire process, I've had to stop myself and say "God has always shown up, Kathryn. Even in the hard stuff, the stuff you thought for SURE there was no way God could weave it together for good...He. showed. up. And it has all been so very good.  Why do you think He won't show up this time?"
We have lived in our new home for almost 5 months, it has been almost 9 months since we got the call that Superman would be transferred.  And today as the rain falls in Northern Virginia and I reflect back over this time in our family's history, I am overwhelmed by my God.  
Not only did He show up....He showed OFF.
Why do I ever entertain doubt?
Why do I think that this time would be any different?
Let this stand as a reminder.
When you cannot see clearly,
When you give in to doubt and fear and uncertainty,
Remember you are LOVED...so loved...by a God that is always weaving it all together for good. 
Even the yucky stuff, and the hard stuff, and the stuff you did to mess it all up, 
Even when you don't understand the journey, 
He won't leave.
And He won't give you second best.

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