Now, ya'll KNOW I'm kinda turning into a hippy...right? Well if you know me at all, you know this much is true...I cloth diaper Sam (and am secretly addicted to the pinning of cloth to my boy's sweet liddle buns), I'm trying to be green and recycle (I have a personal competition with myself to get more recycle out on the curb each week than actual trash and I LOVE LOVE LOVE throwing the glass bottles into the glass bin at the recycle center), I breastfeed Samuel any time and any place and plan to nurse him as long as he wants (11 months and counting) and...I've begun to question vaccines, even putting Sam on a "delayed vaccination schedule" and refusing what I believe to be unnecessary vaccinations. That being said--PRAISE GOD I get to CHOSE to be a hippy...Hallelujah I get to pour over books and charts about vaccinations and the schedules the AAP recommends. I don't know if any of you (my "readers"...if there IS such a thing) saw the ABC clip featuring Selma Hayek and her trip to Sierra Leone but if you missed it, PLEASE follow the below link and check it, talk about "loving your neighbor"--I do believe THIS qualifies...
Selma Hayek ABC clip
**Oh and for the record...Selma's DOES feel weird to nurse a baby that is not your own...I have done this...but I woulda put that tiny baby to my breast just as quickly as she did...there's a primal "ache" I feel when I hear a hungry, crying baby and it's tough to deny...
**And one more thing...BOTH of my kids are up-to-date on their tetanus vaccine...I consider THAT one very necessary ;)
I guess I kind of turned hippy too, but it wasn't a conscious decision. Sort of just happened with age... LOL.
I loved that video, and I have never nursed another person's baby, but I would have done it in a heartbeat if necessary!
That's a nice story about Salma Hayek. Thanks for posting. I've never nursed another person's baby, but not all the milk Miles has received came from me. The week before he was due, Beth came and cooked a bunch of meals and froze them for us for later use, and she also filled my freezer with a stash of Auntie milk, for times when I needed a nap, before I got my pumping stash up and running. And you know ... Beth and I also use cloth. So hippies unite! Or something... :)
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