Sunday, August 21, 2011

Random thoughts from a messy mind

  • I wish my life had a soundtrack. 
  • I saw Bumblebee (the car, not the insect) for sale at a car lot today. Wonder if I could get a car seat in the back?
  • I learned to drive a stick shift when I was 27 years old.  I like driving a stick shift and wish I had learned sooner.
  • Earl and the kids went to the Kansas City Airshow yesterday.  A plane doing a stunt show crashed, killing the pilot.  Wow.  Interesting to watch a 3 and 6 year old process such a tragedy...There have since been numerous reenacted toy airplane crashes on my living room floor.
  • I have stopped eating meat. 
  • I have also stopped drinking Diet Coke.  Shocking, I know. 
  • I have not however stopped my consumption of dairy.  I like cheese.  I really like yogurt.  So sue me.
  • The debate is still out on eating eggs.   
  • Earl took the kids back to the airshow this afternoon.  They seem to be having a grand time.
  • I am home alone.  I had fabulous plans to deep clean the house while the children were away.  Those plans have since been cancelled and operation "Lazy Mom" is in effect.  Cleaning can wait.
  • I just finished reading The Devil in the White City.  It is a "heavy" read, but quite possibly one of the best books I have ever read. 
  • Earl wants to buy me a Kindle.  I'm not exactly sure I would use a Kindle.  Most of my books come from the thrift store or are given to me by my neighbor.  I also enjoy reading in the bathtub.  Can you read a Kindle in the bath?  This is a question I must google.
  • On Wednesday we will have a 1st grader living under our roof.
  • Our children no longer go to the church nursery on Sunday morning.  They each go to their respective classes.  This is mind-boggling to me and something I was not prepared for. 
  • We have a pumpkin patch growing out of the compost pile in our backyard. 
  • I wish I were more organized and less chaotic.  
  • God is busy in my life.  So busy that I feel pulled in 25 different directions...this makes me feel even more chaotic than usual. 
  • My prayer for my life is that God shows me exactly where He wants me to be.  Maybe I'm meant to be chaotic?  I dunno....but I did buy a small planning calender and am trying to get all of my "chaos" down on paper.  Maybe that will help....
  • This post is beginning to seem chaotic.
  • I'm gonna go read a book....

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