I was making dinner earlier this week and started to sing something?--I can't remember what exactly I was singing...just that I was singing. Grace was in the living room being 3 (you know when you tell someone your child is a "3 year old", this is NOT an adjective...it is a verb, children work VERY hard at being 3) and she began to make requests "MOM! Sing MY song" ("Amazing Grace"...she has deemed it HER song....) So I did. "MOM! Sing 'Caroline'" (A Nancy Griffith song we have sung to her since she was a baby) So I did. And the list went on. Baby brother stopped his curiosity and crawling to listen. The dogs stopped asking to be fed. Grace listened intently, quietly sitting on the coffee table (her favorite perch). Eventually her requests stopped, but I continued to sing...Christmas carols, hymns, "Little Surfer Girl" (by the Beach Boys...we sing this to Sam, but sing "little surfer boy" because his initials are SRF)...I love to sing, it brings me MUCH delight. But then I began to notice that a little voice had joined me. In the living room, atop her perch, Grace was singing along. Even if she didn't know the words...she sang along. My very own little back-up singer. I stopped singing and began to listen. She carried on. She makes up her own songs. It is amazing to me to hear her creativity at such a young age. I can't express the delight I find in hearing her sing. It makes my heart swell with joy, it brings a smile to my face. To hear MY daughter singing. Her tiny voice rising within her. Her eyes in some far off place. It is truly amazing to me. She is VERY 3 and somedays it's all I can do not to lose my mind, but there are moments such as these that bring me great joy as a parent. And then I thought...."If I find this much joy in hearing my daughter sing, I can only imagine the delight the Lord finds in MY singing. The pleasure it brings Him to hear my voice rising to heaven, prasing Him with song." We are the children of God and He finds much delight in us, even if we sometimes act like a 3 year old.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above thee heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost...Amen
Enjoy your posts and the "Grace"ful song. Kristy is reading a Pregnancy book. She says to tell you hi. Tell Danny hey!
Forgot to give you a link to my blog:
Just posted some new photos
You always sang as a child. We would sit in the livingroom and listen to your songs while you were taking a bath down the hall...
And we would just look at each other and smile...Smile at our content little girl, our little girl who was so happy, just being in the moment.
Singing as a mother makes very deep memories for our children. My mother's off-key voice singing in the house was a great comfort to me as a child. I am sure you remember my singing and some of the songs I sang over and over. Certainly you remember your Dad and me singing together while he played the guitar after you and your sister went to bed.
So sing on, my dear daughter! You are making long-lasting memories with these children and your husband with your sweet voice.
xoxoxox Momma
This is so true. How much more can we understand God's love for us, by knowing how much we love our children.
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