Monday, September 28, 2009

We're off like a herd of turtles

This story actually comes full will make sense...please stay focused.
In March, Grandma Jeanie came to visit about a week before Sam's 1st birthday. She bought him this....(Ya'll gotta git a "Grandma Jeanie"...she buys the COOLEST toys!)
But it wasn't much fun...
until today...

Today this "Turbo Turtle" proved to be a fantastic investment...not for a 12 month fantastic investment for an 18 month old...funny how interests change in a few short months. 6 months ago, Sam couldn't even walk. He couldn't climb stairs. He couldn't tell you what a dog says (they say "Bow wow wow"...but that's a whole 'nother post with yet another frustrating video to load....soon, people, soon) Heck, he could barely pull up on Mr. Turbo Turtle only to have the toy go spinning off in another direction (followed by much crying and usually big sister stealing the rolling terrapin right out from under him)....Oh, but now!!! Glorious now!!! Mr. Turbo Turtle is turning out to be LOTS of fun.
With all this newfound joy over a set of Turbo Turtle wheels...can you IMAGINE what our life will be like when he's 16??...let us begin praying now...
During all this Turbo Turtle fun...Brooke came over. If you haven't met Brooke, when you come to visit, you'll meet Brooke. She lives about 3 houses down from us. Brooke is 7, she's in 1st grade. According to Grace, if Brooke says it, then it MUST be true. She really is a most darling child. She has that little lisp that comes with many missing teeth and she is learning to ride her bicycle with no training wheels. She is kind and tells funny stories. She is imaginative and tolerant of my younger children. You must meet her. Really, you must. So Brooke came over...she showed me how she could ride with no training wheels--well sorta, it was more like falling with no training wheels...but she'll get better, it takes time. And then she told me (remember, she's 7...her conversations are often random!) that when she and her dad go on a trip he says, "We're off like a herd of turtles"...I thought it was fitting...seeing as how Sam was having all this newfound fun with his rolling hard shelled buddy. He wasn't really getting anywhere...Sister's tricycle is MUCH faster...but he can try now. Oh you better bet he can try, and he DOES try...Folks, he's a herd of turtles.
All good things must come to an end, however...and that helmet was just too tight...he understood that without the helmet, he couldn't ride the Turtle and he was fine with that. Happy to ride another day....Just get that thing OFF his head! NOW!

Me: "Grace what did you learn about in Sunday School?"

Grace: "Recycling"

Me: "Recycling huh? What does Jesus say about recycling?"

Grace: *pause* "MOM! Jesus wasn't my teacher...Mr. Brent was!"

Of silly of me...

Friday, September 25, 2009

What is this? Like the THIRD post today?? Sheesh...

...I'm lonely...what can I say...when in doubt, blog...that's what I can say...


as promised (and as you've probably already seen on my facebook page, but just roll with me cause it's late and I don't wanna go to bed and I'm tired of blogging about the kids...I mean they're cute and all, but...sometimes you gotta change stuff up...keep it interesting...PLUS the next time I see Grace's face will be in about 7 hours from now...EARLY in the morning, REeeeeally close to mine, and she'll say--in this sorta freaky whisper--"momma...the sun is awake" that can SCARE a girl right. outta. bed.'s THAT for a ramble...*deep breath*...I'm done now, on with the show)...

pictures of the house...

BEFORE (oh MY the grey! It's like a prison! Grey carpet...walls...linoleum. PAINFUL. The flooring hasn't changed...yet...but that's next. And can I just ask...what WERE these people thinking?)


AFTER...ahhh, breathe a sigh of relief...please...relax...sit...kick off your shoes...can I get you a beer?

And...BEFORE...of the kitchen....again...WHAT were they thinking?

Hokay...MUCH better...After...sweet sweet After...

Just gotta get the flooring in...then it will be a totally different house. Well, not TOTALLY know what I'm saying, right?? Please say you's late. I'm going to bed... a mere 6 1/2 hours....

this little girl...

will be waking me up..."Momma, the sun is awake"
Now ya'll didn't think I'd make you suffer through an entire "before and after" post about the house *yawn* and not give a little know...for de effort....


She may look just like a 4 1/2 year old little girl...but really...she's a superhero...shhh...don't tell a soul...faster than a speeding bullet...louder than a tornado siren in the dead of night...

She has a sidekick too....sorta like Batman and Robin...or Robin Hood and Little John...his name? Isaac. 'Cept I guess wouldn't really call him her sidekick per say...

Maybe just her "partner in crime" or perhaps "beloved cousin boy"...whatever you choose to call him...Grace LOVES Isaac. Wants to do everything he does...thinks he is wonderful. And the fact that they have matching Superman/Superwoman costumes just iced the wonderfully delicious cake of cousin love.

He is endlessly tolerant of her...even when she chokes him by pulling on his cape. I bet you thought he was flying, huh? Yeh, nope--closer...look closer...Grace has hold of his cape...he is trying to his best to get away from his chattering, wiggling 4 1/2 year old Superhero wanna-be cousin...but he forgot about the cape. No capes Dah-ling...No capes.
The woman in the middle? That's GrandTone. She's her own type of Superhero. Somewhere between crazy and sane. And SHE is the one who found the Superhero garb...we have HER to thank for the uniting of Super cousin forces...
So never fear my bloggy readers...the world is safe. Because these Superheros? They're always watching...waiting...ready...and they don't sleep...well, the don't sleep much. Especially when they're at GrandTone's house...

Well folks....

the honeymoon is preschool that is...yup, Grace showed her "true colors" on Tuesday (consequently the Cyndi Lauper song "True Colors" is my song to Grace...not because of the following preschool event, but because it is what a pray for her on a daily basis. Listen to the'll get what I'm saying. In fact, I may--just for your listening pleasure--attempt to attach that song to a playlist and add it to my blog. Let's see how fast the coffee kicks in...)
ANYway...There is a special place in heaven for Ms. Shari, Grace's teacher. Apparently earlier this week Grace got frustrated with her "apple lacing" (a piece of construction paper cut to LOOK like an apple with holes punched all along the sides. The kids laced a piece of string through the holes. Guess it's good for hand/eye coordination and fine motor skills) So Grace began to wail that her lacing was "NOT good" and became increasingly upset at the task before her. Ah yes, Ms. are earning jewels in your heavenly crown. She talked to Grace about patience, and about how in Pre-K you're a "big kid" and you have to practice patience. I later asked Grace if she understood what "patience" meant. She said "Yes, it means to wait and not cry"... The apple lacing was sent home in order that we might "practice patience" (I almost asked Ms. Shari if she included an EXTRA apple lacing for me, if I too might cultivate patience by lacing a piece of yarn through holes in construction paper....) Yes, folks...the honeymoon is over...
true colors
and that's why I love you
so don't be afraid
to let them show...

your true colors
are beautiful
like a rainbow

Monday, September 14, 2009

So I'm not gonna lie...we miss him when he's gone...he does much more around this joint than I give him credit for...he is much nicer in the morning than I could ever be (and without is that even possible??)...he gives great hugs, even when you don't want want them, but really need them...he even adds commentary to the kid's bedtime stories--a mostly twisted commentary but very amusing all the same...and if he doesn't come home soon, I may just hafta start working at Lowe's to pay for all the projects I dream up to keep me busy when he's stay tuned...Pictures of a newly painted, newly decorated living room and kitchen to come soon...

Hurry home Superman...I may just start knocking out walls, and tearing up old linoleum...ya just never know....several days without a hug from you can make a girl go a little bit beserk

Sunday, September 13, 2009

When you have a little girl....

People tell you all sorts of things...give you all sorts of you lots of pink stuff (like waaay more than you can stomach really)...But very few people tell you how, 4 1/2 years later, she will single-handedly make you lose your mind...lose your cool...lose your sanity...

and steal your heart...

What an exciting adventure it is to raise this child...I love you Graceface...thanks for teaching me to live like a rockstar...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Adventures in Housesitting at GrandTone's

Several weeks ago, we went to Tahlequah to housesit for my parents. They are SUPER busy and somehow found themselves both out of town at the same time--not in the same place of course...Dad went to play his trumpet in Colorado and mom went to dance with her dogs in OKC (seriously, if you see them...please let them know they are RETIRED!)

We went because of THIS guy....
...his name is Baden, he's their 12+ year old collie, and he needed someone to come keep him company while Mom and Dad were away, so we headed down for a few days to help out. He's not such a great traveler anymore and does much better at home in the "familar"...Baden is by far the sweetest animal you will ever meet. He truly embodies the heart and soul of a collie, and I bet if you looked up "collie" in the dictonary there'd be a picture of him. He worried sick about my children while we were visiting...He wasn't so sure that I was fullfilling my parental duties as I should, thought my idea of safety was indeed very UN-safe. So he followed my rugrats around, collapsing near their play area, only to have to struggle to his feet seconds later (the dog is 12+ years old, remember! getting around isn't so easy anymore!) and follow them to another part of the house...One morning we went out to feed the fish in one of momma's many ponds in her backyard. All three of us sat by the edge of the pond, Sam in my lap, Grace close beside me...seconds later Baden RUSHED to my side...this was certainly NOT safe, and someone!!!...namely the BABY!!!...was going to fall in!!!!! Baden struggled to get into the VEEERY small space between Sam and the egde of the pond, he was so insistant about it that he almost fell in trying to get me to back away. He carried on like this for a few minutes until I finally stood up and removed Sam from the situation. At this, Baden figured his job was done, and went back onto the deck to sleep in the sun, keeping one watchful eye open.
But I digress...we went to Tahlequah to housesit and we had a BALL!!! We did miss GrandTone and Grandpa Trumpet was strangely quiet without them there.
This is Eddie the cat. He's NOT nice.'s true. He's spoiled rotten and gets away with most anything. He has a horrible temper and goes from purring and rubbing your leg one second, to scratching and hissing at you the next. He does. not. like children. They are below him. His only options? Turn and run, or face the little monsters...
Well, Sam wasn't having it...he's not scared of a stinkin' cat. And he faced off with Eddie every chance he got. Eventually Eddie got at clue and left Sam I call Sam the "Eddie whisperer"...
It's rough being a princess...gotta sleep with SO much stuff on...headbands, gloves, rings...
Housesitting makes you we made cake...but we most certainly did. not. lick the bowl....or eat more than our fair share of the batter...
We visited with old friends and their sweet liddle babies. Here is Sam standing on the window legde with Canyon. Canyon belongs to a childhood friend of mine, Sharla. She and I met in 2nd grade and became dear friends. Our boys were born two days apart, so we try to get them together every so often.
Hoookay...time for a little nostalgia. When I was a little girl, I would go over to Sharla's house, and swim and play cabbage patch dolls. Her daddy, Larry, had an old Coke machine that dispensed ICE COLD Coca-cola in a glass bottle for only 10 cents!!!! It ranks up there as one of my fondest memories of childhood. So when we went over to see Sharla during our recent visit, I asked that her daddy stock the Coke machine so Grace could experience the fun as she is with her ICE COLD Coke (I seriously think this is her first "full strength" Coke ever)...goes to show you, ya just never know when you're making a memory...Thanks Larry...
Connor even came to visit!! If you know much about Grace, you know that she and Connor have been the best of friends since they met in the hospital after Grace was born. Connor is only 6 weeks older than Grace and even though we've moved away, when these two get together, it's like no time has passed...It was great fun to share the "magic" of GrandTone's backyard with Connor...they dug for worms, fed the fish, collected roly-poly's, ate popsicles...don't worry, we got lots of pics to put up for the wedding slide-show :)Did I mention we ate LOTS of popsicles during our "adventures in house-sitting"???...And lemme tell ya, Baby brother can hold his own with a popsicle...and don't you DARE try to take it away from him. After all, possession is 9/10ths of the law...
There are lots of dress up clothes at GrandTone's house...and lots of random and LOUD toys (that sometime go OFF in the Middle. of. the. night). Just keep the light saber AWAY from the TV, Sam...
...And please...don't stand on the footstool, it makes Baden nervous...
We had a blast...Anytime you need an army of house-sitters GrandTone, just give us a can pay us in cake and popsicles....