Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This blog is titled "Smile as big as you can"

So...let's smile a bit, shall we??

And there's no better way to get you to crack a smile than (is this correct grammar?? I really can't tell...please someone tell me if it's not right) to show you pictures of the nutty children I live with...

dressed in footie pajamas....

Ah yes...the arrival of fall ushers in orange/red/yellow leaves, hearty soups and chili, the freakish smell of the heater kicking on for the first time (which, strangely, I LIKE and look forward to), and--if you have tiny humans living among you--warm, snugly, fleecy footie pajamas....
Ahh...they feel so soft, so warm, dare I even say delicious...make a girl wanna do back-flips off her brother's crib....

Well...unless...of course, you're the baby brother being held against your will...
Nothing says "snuggle" like a screaming 18 month old...in footie pajamas...

Maybe he'll like them next year...

**Please say nothing of my 4 1/2 year old having a binky...we're working on it...we're working on it. But seriously, have you MET this child?? So stubborn...I have no idea where she got it...absolutely no idea.**


Bethany said...

Binky schminky. It's not hurting anything. I know exactly the smell of which you speak! The hot dust and spider webs burning out...I love it too!

Tasha said...

No need to put a disclaimer for the binky...there are worse things she could be doing. Like drinking coca cola out of a baby bottle...I have seen that too many times to count. Gotta love walmart! :) Your children look so snuggly and cute...even when crying!