Outside the sidewalks were flooded with water and the streets presented puddle after puddle after puddle. And since we live on a very quiet culdesac, each and every puddle was ripe for jumping in. But my children...my children...were not interested in the puddles. No...the rain brought something more exciting...more fascinating...WORMS! Worms everywhere! Inching their way across the sidewalk to soak up the moisture...squirming in the driveway seeking life giving water. And if you know my Grace, you know that this girl is not. scared. of worms. In fact I would venture to say that she loves worms. She can tell you if they are boy or girl worms. She names them. She talks in a sweet voice to them. She sings to them. She. loves. worms. And on this rainy, wormy day...she was in worm heaven.

Did I tell you this child loves worms? The worm below is by far the biggest she found...oh, and what a treasure!
See what I'm getting at here? Hand fulls of worms...HAND FULLS!!!
And, so, on this day, baby brother was initiated into the world of worms...because he tries so hard to do everything just like his beloved sister.

She tried to teach him how to pick the creepy-crawlies up without killing them...
He sort-of succeeded...yes, some worms were harmed in the making of this post. I did my best to limit the squeezing and pinching.
And our sweet baby boy-child learned something else from the "Worm Whisperer"...our quiet boy, the child that watches more and speaks less...learned to say the word "worm". And can I just say that it is quite possibly the cutest uttering of "worm" I have ever heard.
And please disregard the marker all over Sam's hands...sometimes when it rains, and you're being held captive by playing inside with your children, you maybe give the baby a marker just to shut. him. up.
One of your best posts yet. Love those babies and they momma..... hug Dan for me! And call me so I can hear Sam O say, "Wo-ar-m".
Probably your best blog thus far. I'll take CREDIT for the worm-love....Remember when you and I started a worm farm right here in River City?! xoxoox
Girl....I LOVE reading your writing! This was great!
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