Friday, April 9, 2010

Why? Why am I finding Sam's "chou-chou's"** in interesting hiding places such as this....

and this....

Well...there can only be one answer, silly. The cat, of course.

Sara the cat is a thief. More specifically...a "chou-chou" thief. Takes 'em right out of the liddle guy's mouth (I didn't actually get Sara stealing the chou-chou on the above video--just trying to get it, but it was not for lack of trying. Maybe tomorrow...this is the best I could do tonight). So he has starting hiding them all around the places a cat would not think to look. Like the "catch all" drawer in the living room next to the recliner...the one that is supposed to be off-limits to little boys. Or in the drawer in the kitchen that holds the dish towels. Or--as you'll see at the end of the video--in between the couch cushions. It's sorta like an Easter egg hunt. 'Cept no one gets candy and only Sam wins. Well...sometimes Sara wins. And we find the occasional chou-chou with little kitty cat teeth marks all over it.

**A "chou-chou" is a binky in our house...a pacifier, a plug, a sassy. Rhymes with "bow" or "throw"...I have found that each individual family has their own unique name for these silicone or latex "silencers". And please, Oh please!, say nothing about my 2 year old still having a pacifier. I know, I know...I've heard it all's the way we roll, folks...the way. we. roll. But do feel free to share what you call a "chou-chou" in your family!


Toni said...

When I was little, I sucked my thumb...Well, I sucked it until I was in 3rd Grade...still would if Society allowed such...
My parents, (like Sara) in an effort to quell my addiction, tried myriad methods of keeping me away from my thumb. Like hot sauce on my thumby....or a sterling silver thumbguard with a pink bow...I sucked off the hot sauce (Still can't get enough of that stuf!), and I HID the thumbguard in various places.....Buried it out in the flowerbed, stuck it deep in the trash, etc....My sister and brother would try to "distract" me from sucking my thumb, but, like Sammo, I was "on" to that, and would not listen to them....Sucking yer "guhya" OR your thumby is a Good Thang.

Tasha said...

Bree is almost two and still has her bink. We call it binky, bink or paci. We're not very inventive here. :)

Brianna and Mario Mendieta said...

Connor calls his a "nutsy" or nucky, and his sister calls hers a "fire"

Bethany said...

My child turns 3 in two weeks, still loves his GiGi (with a hard "G" sound), and blankie, and I don't plan on taking it! The doctor said it hurts nothing. And about the teeth? Mine would be growing horizontally if that were true! :) I had it a looooong time.

kristin said...

No judgement on the paci here! Our ped told me "as long as she doesn't take it to kindergarten with her, you're fine", so you've got years. :) Love that Sam-O is so inventive with his need to keep it away from Sara though...