I have no pictures to go along with this post. Honestly I don't think I want pictures to go along with this post. This account is only a snippet of our day...please don't think my entire day was a fiasco. Only this part. And I wanted to share it with you. Because sometimes, if you don't laugh...you'll cry. And I prefer laughter. Have I ever told you that I occasionally get this feeling that I'm in an episode of "Seinfeld" or some other twisted comedy? That I look over my shoulder for hidden cameras? Well, I do...not a lot...not everyday...but still, I do. And I'm not completely 100% convinced that there aren't hidden cameras...some stuff is just too bizarre to not catch on tape. 'Kay...here's what happened. In case you miss the "episode" when it airs...
We went to CVS today. "We" meaning Grace, Sam, and me. We went to get Earl some drugs to combat the upper respiratory infection that is slowly creeping its way to his chest. And whaddaya know?...CVS was having a sale! (I love CVS...did you know that? I love the little card and the sales and the random stuff they sell that no other store sells) Yup..."buy one CVS brand vitamin and get a second for ONE CENT"!! SHUT-UP! and sign me up! So we took a detour to the vitamin aisle. Both kids were shoved into the teeny, tiny CVS cart because they were wandering and fighting and making a general ruckus. It is best to contain my off-spring in small retail stores such as CVS. So...I found some vitamins for a super rocking deal (and some Hyland's teething tablets for Sam...the amazing never-ending teething child) and made my way to the pharmacy counter to pick up Earl's wonder drugs. It was there, while ringing me up, that the girl behind the counter told me that one of the vitamins I had chosen was NOT part of the "buy one, get one for ONE CENT!" deal, so I told her I'd be "right back" and turned the cart around to get vitamins that were part of the deal. It was in this instant that my life was transformed into a twisted, prime-time comedy. Because, you see, as I turned the cart...one of the wheels caught on some flooring, and the entire cart turned over. Yes, my bloggy followers, the teeny tiny CVS cart full of my children turned on. its. side. 70 lbs of kid...on the floor...in a matter of seconds. Whammo. But the best part? You wanna know the best part? I caught the cart...full of 70 lbs of kids...with. my. foot. Ouch. Grace, of course, erupted in wailing. Sam just looked at me, big blue eyes wondering what exactly was happening to him. And people swarmed over us...arms reaching out to help...pharmacy techs rushing forward with suckers to quiet the wailing. The children were righted...the cart was righted...and I was able to get the correct type of vitamins. We escaped without a scratch, save for a small, bruised bump on my left foot. I did not put the kids back in the teeny tiny cart. I paid for my items, and quickly headed out of the store. Grace kept pace with me...I think she was eager to leave too. But Sam...oh Sam...He got distracted by an M&M display and kinda lost his mind for a few moments. He came running out the door with hand fulls of M&M packages. We had a brief "discussion" about "shop-lifting" and "stealing" and "the police will take you to jail", returned the M&M's to their respective display, and then abruptly left CVS. I think we're gonna transfer our prescriptions elsewhere...I'm kinda afraid to show my face in that place again...
Sam.... I'm sending you M&Ms... lots of them.... good luck.....
I can just picture Sam reading this. Hope your foot is ok and glad the kiddos are ok!
Is yer foot okay? NEXT time, try using your hands....
Pore Samuel. Tell him GrandTone woulda gotten those m&ms to him....Shoplifting ain't so bad when it's chocolate....Duh!
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