Monday, June 14, 2010

He's home

I don't have any new pictures to go along with the posts in my head (We've talked about this right? About how I write posts in my head throughout the day, often I wake at night with a post swirling in my head. I don't get out of bed to actually write the thoughts out, I'm terribly scared of the dark...anyway some of them get published, some don't...) I need to tell you about Dave the frog and his release into the wild, about Grace's first day of summer school, about a visit from Paw-paw...but there are pictures and videos that must be downloaded first, and I have no patience for that right now. I am only here to tell you that he's home. *Big sigh...really. big. sigh* I don't exactly know how I managed to find such a man as Earl...probably lots of prayers from my momma. Yes...that's gotta be it. But I did find him, and it's difficult for me to express what he is to me in words. Normally I have no problem writing out my thoughts. But with Earl? Well, with Earl it's something almost mysterious that even I don't understand. When he is gone, part of me is gone. And when he is home, all the world is right. Above all else, he's my friend. And this very minute...he's home. And, at this very point in my marriage, if someone were to ask me "how we make it work?" I'd say "We're the best of friends...and we support each other's dreams...and we laugh...a lot."

1 comment:

Toni said...

NEVER fergit that I, Toni Bailey, picked this guy OUT! He was MY choice FIRST. I Know a Good Man when I see one....

AND...SOMEday you will know how beautiful it is to have your chile write something like this about your son-or-daughter-in-love..... Now...go kiss him on the LIPs....for ME!!! xoxoxo Momma