Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

Well...I planned to post everyday in December.  Didn't exactly do as well as I would've liked.  But I did get some quality posting up on the blog, so I'll take it. 
Please do not expect a post everyday in January :)
This will not happe...
*Ring Ring*
This is when the phone rang...I was posting the above...and the phone rang...the caller ID told me it was a call from Grace's school.  At 9 in the morning.  I had sent her to school 30 minutes before.  I had a feeling this had nothing to do with Sara the cat and her playground antics, and everything to do with Grace.  Sure enough....
"Mrs. Farris?"
"This is Connie.  The nurse at Grace's school"
"I have Grace here.  She vomited in class.  You'll need to come pick her up."
"Yes...certainly.  I'll be right there"
Poor thing.  Barfed her guts up in the middle of class.  Running a 101.5 fever.  And her momma sent her to school!  In my defense, I swear I had NO idea!  She ate breakfast.  Seemed a little overly tired, but I figured it was just getting back into routine that was wearing her out.  Nope.  It was the stomach flu that was wearing her out.
Mother of the Year folks...Mother. of. the. Year.
So I was gonna post about my New Year's resolution...just so you know, it has absolutely nothing to do with losing weight.  But instead I'm frantically bleaching everything in the house.  And caring for a little girl wrapped up in a Snuggie on the couch.
If you're reading this...and you live close...and you have to go to the store anyway...buy me some more paper towels and another bottle of bleach and a BIG bottle of wine.  I'm running low....
Just leave 'em on the porch...ring the bell and RUN away as fast as your legs can carry you.
Oh and Happy New Year.

1 comment:

Toni said...

I swear SOMEtimes they just TRY to make you feel guilty....xoxoxoo