Thursday, July 21, 2011

Please pray

I am a blog stalker.  There.  I admit it. 
And I have a few blogs that I follow faithfully.  Blogs of people that I have never met, and probably never will.  It's a glorious thing...this technology that links us in ways that, 10 years ago, we only dreamed about.
And now I am going to make you a blog stalker.  That's right...I'm asking for prayers for a family I have never met. 
I am asking for prayers for Courtney and her sweet son Tripp.
Tripp has a rare skin disease called "EB" (short for epidermolysis bullosa) can read all about exactly what it is on her blog:
Please go visit her about Tripp...and pray.  Pray for comfort, for peace...pray. 
And remember that we are all connected...

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