Sunday, July 27, 2008

Something to make you go "Hmmm"

Well, as you may or may not know, I've officially become a hippy. Just need my broomstick skirt and cloth diapers (which I am actually considering). I've done a lot of research on vaccines in the past few months...and I have decided to put Sam on a "delayed" vaccine schedule. Meaning that although he will receive MOST of the AAP recommended vaccines, I am choosing to give them on a MUCH slower schedule. And some vaccines I am declining altogether. God has put this on my heart and has been very persistant that I LISTEN to Him!! I thought I would share some of the information I aquire with those that read this blog. Please note: I understand that A LOT of information that is found via the internet is extremely biased and completely I very meticulously pick and choose what to base my beliefs upon. I have also been reading some really informative books, if you're interested I can give you the titles. Copy and paste this link...then watch the news clip. Fairly interesting, doesn't matter what side of this debate you're on...sure makes a girl think...

1 comment:

Jill said...

Kathryn...I am so proud of you for following God's lead on this issue. God knows (literally) the impact it might have had on our family if we would have been more questioning and not just "gone with the flow". It's incredible how many vaccines they keep adding to the list for normal childhood illnesses that all of us experienced as a child and there was no real harm as a result (i.e. chicken pox). And yet there is so much more that goes into your body than just the vaccine itself (mercury, etc.) I have not had a chance to watch the video, but it certainly makes me smile that you are proactive about Sam's well-being =)!!! Love ya, sister...Jill