Thursday, September 23, 2010

He's gonna hate me for this...

2 years ago Grace wanted to be "Ariel" for Halloween.  This was also the year that she thought the sky would be orange on Halloween night.  Remember??  You can go here to read that post again...
So for one night (and a couple of hours a preschool) my diva was transformed into a most beautiful mermaid.  I kept the costume.  We have a dress up box that is full to the brim.  I think every Disney princess dress ever made is shoved in there.  Cinderella, Mulan, Snow White, and of course Ariel.  The costume is getting small.  The "tail" is no longer floor length.  It's more like a "capri-length" tail.  But it's still fun to squeeze into and "swim" around the living room. 
(Okay...blogger has a new posting editor...this may or may not turn out so pretty.  I have no idea how to work this thing.  WHY do they have change things??  I don't want a new look...I want the old look!!!)
We have above said mermaid costume...Dress up is a favorite pastime in our house.
Baby brother likes to dress up too.
He has boy costumes.  A pirate.  Cowboy hats, a holster, guns.  A train conductor hat.  But he really, really likes his sister.  I would venture to say that he is obsessed with her.  He is sad when she goes to school.  Some days he cries.  And he asks about her at least one time an hour...all. day. long.  It's a party everyday she arrives home.  He thinks she is fan.tas.tic.  And anything she dresses up in?  Well, he must dress up in too...forget the boy stuff...bring on the sequins.
We tossed the got nasty...looked like Ariel after a few dicey nights on the streets.  So he improvised.  With a wizard hat.  And the beads around his neck later become some sort of weapon.  So he lost those. That's one thing Grace never did...make weapons out of anything and everything.'s a match made in heaven.  I have a big sister I'm obsessed with too.  I'd dress up like a mermaid if she told me to.  And I'm in my 30's.  Guess it's a pretty important relationship.  Good thing he has such wonderful big sister material to work with...

1 comment:

Emily P said...

Ok, that's it... I'm going to find an adult mermaid costume...