Friday, December 3, 2010


You may think that I devote bit too much of my blog space to a certain cat that has come to live in our house...
But believe me when I say this people,  I could create an ENTIRE blog devoted soley to Sara and her stupid cat antics. 

Yesterday...Sara climbed 3/4 of the way UP our 9 foot tall Christmas tree.  Going up was easy.  She managed to avoid most of the ornaments and almost all of the ribbon.  It was the coming down that got her.  She tried to jump straight out from her perch atop the evergreen, taking with her half of the decorations and leaving ribbons trailing in the aftermath.  Cats love Chrismas.

Yesterday...The weather was above freezing so she spent her afternoon playing with the school children on the playground.  Grace came home and asked "Momma, did you get a call from the school 'cause Sara was on the playground....again"  *sigh*

Yesterday...She managed to kill and gut a mole.  She left it as a present in the driveway.  The neighborhood kids were facinated with the blood and gore.  I scooped it up and gave it a proper burial.  There is still blood on the driveway.  Pray for rain...

Yesterday...Sara jumped into the kitchen window.  Flat foot from the kitchen floor straight up into the window above the sink.  Into. the. window.  The window was closed.  It's a miracle she didn't break her little kitty nose.  She was trying to catch the birds that eat at the feeder there.  The birds chirped almost sounded like little birdy laughter. 

Yesterday...Sara, roughly a 7 lb cat, killed. a. full grown squirrel.  I can't make this stuff up people.  Killed it dead.  My neighbor's husband offered to skin the squirrel...said it would be "good eating"...I have great neighbors. 

Well...who can blame her? sleeping...

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