Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm being "reinstated"

I miss being a nurse...there I said it...I know, I know--mommy-ing is the MOST important thing in my life right now, and while I have lots of "band-aid and cream" application experience, I REALLY miss the gore and guts that used to be part of my life. I like being in the cool, clean, ORGANIZED and mostly quiet atmosphere that is an operating room. I like defining myself as a mom AND a nurse. I like seeing really weird and really gross parts of the human body and I like the adrenaline rush that comes from racing down the hallway to grab one more pint of blood. It's not even really about my bringing in extra money, it's about fulfilling a passion in my life, about doing something that I KNOW I'm good at, something God created me to do. So...I'm being reinstated...that's right, I let my nursing license lapse (it was due in May--I've been a little busy okay), the Oklahoma Board of Nursing is making me fill out 13 pages of mindless paper work to get back a small piece of paper that makes it legal for me to poke and prod and see parts of the human body most people never WANT to see. At least I don't have to take the boards again...


Emily P said...

You silly girl! You aren't ONLY a mom! You were a nurse first! The fact that I was "something" before I was a mom totally confuses my kids! Good for you keeping up your license!

Margaret said...

Wow. Oddly, I don't think I knew that you were a nurse, Katy. Congratulations on being reinstated. That is very cool.